Passive Networking : One Method For Linking and Back-Linking
November4, 2011
Passive Networking :
One Method For
Linking and Back-Linking
When ever I get a Twitter, Facebook, or MySpace (etc.) e-mail notification for a follow or a friend request, I do the following:
I first book mark the e-mail, then I’ve got a bit-link button right on my toolbar that I press (Bit-Link-Google APPS). It not onlyautomatically links and shortens the link, it also sends one both to Facebook and Twitter (and to my followers) and publicly displays them for others to link to also ,if they wish to do so….And it tracks AND stores and lists all these links so I can come back at a later time for even one more back-links and I ‘bundle’ them !!!
After that, I have a special ‘wise stamp’ (Google APPS) that automatically stamps at the end of my responding e-mails and it has anice long link-list of my webs, blogs, e-stores,and social sites (my personal network that’s already linked and back-linked) that I welcome any one I e-mail with/to/from to link to. And of coarse that is beneficial to both myself and my recipients.
AND then…(I know, I know, I’ve always been a little extreme) you’ll see a wall of tiny icons (that we all recognize and have come to love) for each one of those sites that are linked and back-linked too! Ha! Hmmmm…
Now, do you know what the beauty of all this is? I do this just by pushing two buttons while I manually answer my e-mails! (now that I have it set up). 1 button that I push twice; once upon receiving my e-mail , once upon answering it (bit-link), and the other one I push for my massively link packed time stamp! And it’s ALL what I call PASSIVE NETWORKING! Because I’m just communicating with people that I’d be e-mailing with any way. And as I pointed out earlier, it benefits BOTH parties , BOTH ways!! Equally!!! (Well, I had to do the leg work but I don’t mind do you?)…Feel free to blog , copy or pass this info along if you like…
You know, I have publicly blogged on Facebook about how no matter what, I refuse to follow in the footsteps of all these supposed ‘internet gurus’; with their what I call ‘Mosquito E-mail Tactics’ (mass e-mailing people they don’t even know and never will) and their False Bottom Promised Dream Catchers i.e. ‘Working moms turn into self made millionaires over night and so can you!!’
WHAT A CROCK! How do these people sleep at night? If you think about it, THEY ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE GIVEN THE INTERNET A BAD NAME and you know, that if it was you or me , we would be charged with FRAUD!!!
Well NO MORE, I say…NO MASS!! I believe these guys times are up; the pulling of the wool over the public eyes are up. They will not be tolerated any longer because the internet is finally changing; because of social networking their true faces are being exposed for what they really are and they have dues to pay damn it! Sorry…
I have not always been an angel , and I know that part of my life can’t be changed…but what CAN be changed is TODAY… TODAY I can do better and I think THAT”S what really counts… GOD BLESS the internet, GOD BLESS the WORLD (if it’s used the right WAY) and that’s to help each other.
Norman E. Potter / Strminorman59